Are you interested in doing research and want to become a PhD? In KTU Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, you can choose between Civil Engineering and History of Theory of Arts PhD studies. We invite you to informal PhD info hour where you will get all your answers about PhD studies. Event time – October 23, 14.30 311 aud.
About the student life, you will get answers from dr. Laura Stasiulienė. She got her degree this spring and was active member of KTU PhD students society.
Answers about admission procedure, requirements, and scholarships you will get from Vice-Dean for research prof. Danutė Vaičiukynienė and prof. Kęstutis Zaleckis.
Moreover, our Dean dr. Andrius Jurelionis will give you information about all opportunities in the faculty, research groups and study process.
We hope this event will clear all your doubts and will help to prepare for admission.
If you want to know more, but time is not suitable, please write an email to sandra.krikstanaviciute@ktu.lt