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Built Environment Digital Twin Hackathon _Statinių skaitmeninių dvynių hakatonas

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November 4-5, 2022, KTU, Kaunas _2022 m. lapkričio 4-5 dienomis, Kaune, KTU

December 2, 2022, KTU, Kaunas _2022 m. gruodžio 2 dieną, Kaune, KTU

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Built environment DIGITwin hackathon will look into Digital Twins – the future of buildings and infrastructure management, and enable the development of creative ideas on the application, functionality, safety and usability of this technology.


Digital Twins of buildings and infrastructure

are digital copies of assets that represent geometries, dynamic information about the components of assets as well as enables tracking of real-time operational data (on energy production and consumption, indoor environmental conditions, occupancy, etc.), carrying out operational, predictive analytics and optimisation.

Participants of this hackathon will gain abilities to contribute to the development of ideas and apply digital twin technology, which will become the foundation of smart cities of the future.

Create opportunities for yourself and learn from experts in academia and businesses!

Who is invited to attend?

Students, researchers, and professionals from the fields of civil engineering, information technologies, architecture, automation, energy, and environmental engineering, and any other interested in smart cities technologies. Participants will work in teams of 3-6.

Hackathon will be organized in two stages

1) November 4-5. Ideathon and initial prototyping (on site)

2) Final event December 2. Solution development (individual teamwork) and final presentations (on-site).


KTU Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture and KTU Library – Studentų g. 48, Kaunas.


Prize fond _Prizinis fondas

1 Stage Prize fond for best ideas, initial mock-ups/prototypes _1 Etapo prizinis fondas už geriausias idėjas ir imitacinius prototipus

2000 eur

2 Stage Prize fond for best solution developed/prototyped _2 Etapo prizinis fondas už geriausias išvystytus sprendimus/prototipus

2500 eur

Programme _Programa

Hackathon will be organized in two stages – 1) Ideathon and initial prototyping (on site), 2) Solution development (individual team work) and final presentations (on-site).

DIGITwin hackathon November 4-5, 2022

Invited talks, ideation in teams, and design of mock-ups, concepts and initial prototypes for the future of digital twins of built assets. Presentation of ideas.

Awarding the proposed solutions according to the listed evaluation criteria.

Developing your solution November 6 – 30, 2022

Refinement of the selected solutions, prototyping and development (core technology – iTwin platform by Bentley Systems, possible integration with Nvidia Omniverse, Unreal Engine, etc.)

On-demand online trainings and sessions with mentors.

Final DIGITwin presentations December 2, 2022

Presentations of prototypes, awards for best prototypes and functionalities.

Experts _Ekspertai

19-01-22 IMIC centro atidarymas (159)

Zeljko Djuretic


_Bentley Education


Sandip Jadhav

Co-Founder & CEO

_ CCTech

Montors _Mentoriai


Tomas Blažiūnas

_INHUS Engineering

DIGITwin graphics 300x300px-05

Linas Burneika

_Bentley Systems

DIGITwin graphics 300x300px-05

Gytis Cepkauskas

_Bentley Systems

Registration _Registracija

Separate registration open for teams and individuals  _Atskiros registracijos komandoms ir savarankiškai

Registration open until October 28. _Registracija iki spalio 28 d.

Important info _Svarbi informacija

A laptop with:

There are no specific system requirements, but the latest version of Google Chrome should run smoothly;

Internet browser installed on the computer (Google Chrome is recommended);


Recommended for IT field participants:

The latest Node.js LTS version should be installed on the computer;

git VCS client should be installed on the computer.


_Nešiojamąjį kompiuterį su:

_Konkrečių sistemos reikalavimų nėra, tačiau jame turėtų sklandžiai veikti naujausia Google Chrome naršyklės versija;

_Kompiuteryje įdiegta interneto naršykle (rekomenduojame Google Chrome);


_IT srities atstovams rekomenduojama:

_Kompiuteryje įdiegta naujausia Node.js LTS versija;

_Kompiuteryje įdiegta git versijavimo sistemos klientą.


Organized by  _Organizatorius

Partners _Partneriai